Sunday, October 11, 2009


Swaroop Description:

Shree Gokulchandramaji is known as Lalit Tribhangi Lala. This swaroop is from Charan (feet) Kati (waist) and Greeva (neck) is Vraak (bent) and is only one foot tall in height. He is dark (Shyamvarna) in complex. His looks down and His eyes are full of grace. The Mukharvind (the face) is with that expression when one plays flute. The flute is held in both the hands, left leg rests on earth (Bhutal) and the right foot is above the earth. This swaroop is well known as humble and soft hearted

Swaroop Bhavna:

The dark complexion is depicted as king of shringar ras, (king of makeup and beauty). With His Tribhangi swaroop, Shree Gokulchandramaji entices Satvik (Pure, spiritual and honest), Rajas, (passionate type) and Tamus (Angry type) type of Vaishnavs.  He makes lovely renders with his flute and with that imbibes his follower with adhar ras (adhar=lips, ras=entertainment).  His left foot is on the earth, which depicts the firm foundation of Pushtimarg and by raising the right foot slightly, He is beckoning everyone to stay within social structure known as Mariyada. This right foot, although raised, the toe and fingers are rested on the earth, and this is sign to punster and is punitive in Mariyada bhava which is purview to Pushti Bhava.

Swaroop Lila:

During full moon (Sarad Purnima) in Vrandavan Shree Krishna did Maharaas (An epic dance that lasted for six months). During Maharaas Shree Krishna transformed Himself to a special form which was needed to activate and to vocal the need of this epic dance routine which was to enhance the vermilion the vertex of expectation of all the Gopis. This form was of Shree Gokulchandramaji. The form of Gokulchandramaji was so beautiful that even Cupid (Kamdev) had to bow to Him. In Maharaas all the Gopis desires and expectation were gracefully fulfilled by Shree Gokulchandramaji. So the swaroop leela is Raas Leela Swaroop.

The form (swaroop) of Shree Gokulchandramaji is described in Dasma (tenth) Skandh (Epic), Fal (Fruitful) Prakran (episode) and 32nd Adhiyay (32nd chapter)  in Shreemad Bhagwatji

Nikunj Sthan:

Nikunj Sthan (Sthan=place) is Mansi Ganga. (Mansi=Epistle of, creation from mental power and agility , Ganga= River Ganges).

Pragat Sthan:

Shree Gokulchandramaji was formed from River Yamna; Her banks known as Braham Ghat in Gokul.


(Vraj-Shravan) Gujjar Ashadh Vad  4 was the date of First Paatosav. Paatosav is a ceremony where in Pushtimarg, vaishnavs and Vallabhkul celebrate inauguration or rather house warming in other words Temple warming celebration which depicts a deity is brought into the Temple. 

At the moment this swaroop is being served by Shree 108 Shree Goswami Shree Girdharlalji Maharaj.

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