The Ashtakshara Mantra or the 8 letter mantra,which is first given to the devotee who comes under Lord Shri Krishna, is no ordinary mantra. It has divine capabalities. The mantra says " Shri Krishnah Sharnam Mamah:" literally meaning "Shri Krishna is my shelter."
On superficial view, these words may sound like ordinary ones, but they are definitely not so. They contain the meaning of the Vedas in them.The one who is bestowed with this mantra by the Grace of God and the Guru should be considered extremly fortunate.The vedas are treated as the highest authority among the ancient Indian scriptures.The four vedas along with the Bhagwad-Gita, Bhramasutras, and Shrimad Bhagwatam, collectively indicate that "Shri Krishna alone is the ultimate reality or the innermost soul of the whole universe" , he is "Purna-Purshottam","Paramatma","Para-Brahma".
Through this mantra, one comes under the protection of Lord Krishna, the ultimate reality. Once Shri Krishna, accepts one as his dasa, one doesn't have to fear anything or anybody. Shri "Vitthalnathji", who is popularly known as "Gosainji" has this to say about the "Ashtakshara mantra". The one who remembers Shri Krishna is assured a place in "Vaikuntha" (adobe of Shri Krishna). (Vaikhuntam Tasya Mischitam) He further assures that Yama (deity of death) cannot even touch you if you always remember Him. All this because He loves His devotees very much.
This mantra is not a man made mantra, nor is it derived from any of the scriptures. Instead, it is a mantra which was taught to Shrimad Vallabhacharya by Shri "Govardhannathji". It is taught to those wanting an entry in Pushtimarg, in order to deviate them from worshiping any other deity apart from Shri Krishna , as no other deity has the qualities of Shri Krishna.The name Shri Krishna itself is capable of removing all sorts of worldly miseries.
The letter
suggests fortunes . "Shree" means Lakshmi which also means luck or fortune.Therefore, one who recites this name also becomes fortunate just like Lakshmi.
The letter
destroys all the sins that are performed by us in our previous lives and the current one.
The letter
keeps at bay all the miseries that one experiences in the world.
The letter
saves one from having to take birth again and again in thousands of forms and suffer miseries.
The letter
enables one to experience and understand the heavenly form and heavenly deeds of the Lord.
The letter
makes one's devotion towards Shri Krishna strong.
The letter
initiates eternal love for Shri Krishna
The second letter
enables one to enjoy accompaniment of Shri Krishna till eternity and keeps one from undergoing the the circle of life forever.
According to Shri Gosainji, a person who chants this mantra loses his worldly attachments and develops heavenly bonds with Shri Krishna. He gains fortune and salvation. He also experiences eternal bliss. God alone becomes dear to him and he becomes dear to God. He has no fear of any kind of evil. The rough becomes smooth for him and the difficult becomes easy. The enemy becomes friend and no evil eye can affect him. He experiences no kind of pain or misery as in his heart resides Shri Krishna , who is "Eternel Bliss" Himself.
Therfore, one should chant this "Ashtakshara Mantra" with complete Faith and Devotion. God will fulfill wishes of all without fail.
well explaination,,,, keep it up..