Saturday, October 10, 2009



Swaroop Description:
The Navnit Priyaji swaroop is gaur (fair) complexion. He has makhan (cream) in His right hand (Dakshin Hasta) and the left (Vaam Hasta) hand is rested on the floor. The Swaroop sits with the folded left leg. With eyes bow down, anjaan (mascara) in the eyes, "Nupur"  in the legs and "Kada" in His hands. A baby swaroop who walks or rather drags Himself on His knees. This swaroop depicts the age of six month. "Navnit" means fresh Makhan (cream) and "Priya" means one who loves. This swaroop loves makhan hence He was named Navnitpriyaji. For His bhakta he is known as "Niravaran". Niravaran means the one who does not have any clothes (vastra).

Swaroop Lila:
As Shree Svaminiji was of fair complexion, it was to fulfill her desire (Manorath) Navnit Priyaji  also created a fair complexion. To protect Himself from "Ashoor", the Evil eyes of wrong doers, He decorated His eyes with "Anjan, a black soot inserted as eye-liner. In Lila (daily heavenly games) is known as Bal-swaroop, that is a baby deity. This swaroop is famous for "Rangan-lila". Rangan means a baby that crawal on its knees or stomach. This swaroop is also seen to run after cows on His knees. This swaroop is also famous for Bal-lila (child hood games and pranks).

Nikunj Sthan: 

Nikunj Sthan (sthan=place) is Parasoli - Chandra Sarovar. (Chandra=moon, Sarovar= Lake).

Pragat Sthan:

Shree Navnitpriyaji appeared from Yamna River near Brahmand Ghaat in Gokul. 

(Vraj-Fagun) Gujjar Maha Vad 7 was the date of First Paatosav. Paatosav is a ceremony where in Pushtimarg, vaishnavs and Vallabhkul celebrates an  inauguration of  a deity in the temple, a celebration which denotes a deity is brought into the Temple for despotism for worship. 

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